Hardware ARDUINO UNO REV3 1449 The fundamentals of servo motors In comparison to other motors, servo motors are extremely user-friendly. It’s simple to programme. The software drivers are simple to...
Tag - final year student projects
“LEAN SHIPBUILDING” refers to the process of building ships and offshore units using LEAN PRINCIPLES.Like many other sectors, present shipbuilding in most shipyards is rife with NON-VALUE ADDING ACTIVITIES (referred...
When it comes to air pollution, dust and smoke are just one of the numerous factors to consider. Not only that, but wildfires have grown increasingly common in recent years as a result of climate change. According to a...
Naked Prostheses is a firm that makes personalised hand prosthetics for those who have lost their fingers. They were one of the first makers of finger prosthesis to provide consumers extraordinarily high degrees of...

Wokwi Simulator Online – Arduino SSD1306 Simulator: How to Display Text, Graphics, and More – Wokwi teaches you how to do it easily.
Required Software : Browser With Wokwi Arduino Simulator’s free Arduino UNO emulator, you may experiment with the emulated SSD1306 element and Arduino UNO. Without any additional software or downloads, the...
Regression Analysis of Bigmart Sales Predictions BigMart’s data scientists gathered sales data for 1559 goods from 10 locations in various cities in 2013. In addition, certain characteristics of each product and...
AI-assisted self-driving vehicles Self-driving automobiles are made possible by artificial intelligence systems. They enable a car to acquire data from cameras and other sensors about its surroundings, evaluate it, and...
Components and Supplies Hardware Max30102 Pulse OximeterEsp32 NodeMCU BoardJumper WiresBreadboard Software ArduinoBlynk In this article, I’ll show you how to make your own WiFi-based smart oximeter with the...
Supply and components Espressif ESP8266 ESP-01Arduino UNOJumper wires (generic)LED (generic) This project’s description Components Required ESP8266 – Al-Cloud Inside (Black model: Flash size 8Mbit = 1MByte...
The EyeWriter is a low-cost eye-tracking device with bespoke software that allows graffiti writers and artists with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) to create entirely with their eyes. The eyewriter design was based on a...