Gather your materials. You’ll require: — LilyPad’s primary Arduino board— Mini USB cable with FTDI connection— 16 LilyPad LEDs (note: they aren’t available from SparkFun currently, but will be...
Tag - iot
In this project, we’ll use an Arduino to connect with a Gravity Infrared CO2 Sensor to calculate CO2 concentration in PPM. HARDWARE : Arduino Nano R3Gravity Infrared CO2 Sensor V1.1Jumper wires (generic)0.96’...
SUPPLIES & COMPONENTS Arduino UNOBreadboard (generic)Jumper cables (generic)Potentiometer that rotates (generic)SparkFun Pushbutton switch 12mmLED (generic)221 ohm resistorCapacitor 10 µFServos (Tower Pro MG996R)10k ohm...
SUPPLIES AND COMPONENTS Arduino UNOUltrasonic Sensor – HC-SR04 (Generic)Relay Module (Generic)Jumper wires (generic)Breadboard (generic) INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT How to build anything that is...
According to WHO information, In 2018, cancer claimed the lives of 9.6 million individuals throughout the world. In addition, 3 lakh new cancer cases are identified each year in children aged 0 to 19. Cancer is one of the worst...
SUPPLIES AND COMPONENTS Arduino UNOEspressif ESP8266 ESP-01 ONLINE SERVICES AND APPLICATIONS Blynk Hardware requirements: Arduino UnoJumper cablesSolderless breadboardUSB 2.0 cable type A/B to connect the...
The IOT-based paralysis patient health care system is a system that allows patients to send messages to physicians, nurses, and family members while sitting at home or at work. To provide this capability, the system takes use...
COMPONENTS AND SUPPLIES Arduino UNOSparkFun Pushbutton switch 12mmLED (generic)BuzzerResistor 330 ohmBreadboard (generic)Jumper wires (generic) APPS AND ONLINE SERVICES Arduino IDE What is Morse Code and how does...
SUPPLIES AND COMPONENTS 5 Ultrasonic sensor SparkFun Arduino Pro Mini 328 – 5V/16MHzPerfboardMotor that vibrates5 mm LED Buzzer: Red Slide Switch8 Position 1 Row Female Header ” (0.1″)40 Position 1 Row Male...
The “IoT Early Flood Detection & Avoidance System” is an intelligent system that maintains a careful eye on different natural variables to forecast a flood, allowing us to prepare for cautious and minimise flood...