Naked Prostheses is a firm that makes personalised hand prosthetics for those who have lost their fingers. They were one of the first makers of finger prosthesis to provide consumers extraordinarily high degrees of...
Tag - Coders
Regression Analysis of Bigmart Sales Predictions BigMart’s data scientists gathered sales data for 1559 goods from 10 locations in various cities in 2013. In addition, certain characteristics of each product and...
AI-assisted self-driving vehicles Self-driving automobiles are made possible by artificial intelligence systems. They enable a car to acquire data from cameras and other sensors about its surroundings, evaluate it, and...
The EyeWriter is a low-cost eye-tracking device with bespoke software that allows graffiti writers and artists with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) to create entirely with their eyes. The eyewriter design was based on a...
A buck-boost converter is a switch-mode DC-DC converter that outputs a voltage that is either larger or lower than the input voltage. A buck-boost converter circuit has a layout that is similar to that of a buck converter and a...
Parts and materials BuzzerArduino Wireless Proto Shield5 mm LED: Red9V battery (generic)Arduino UNOBreadboard (generic)Jumper wires (generic)Spark Fun Soil Moisture Sensor12V DC Water Pump Online services and...
The First Thing You’ll Need… I used the following Radioshack parts to make the xylophone: (x1) Radioshack #276-127 Arduino Mega 2560(Radioshack #273-073) Piezo Element (x12)(x12)Radioshack...
Drawing Robot/Pen Plotter/Drawing Machine is an Open Hardware version of the well-known AxiDraw pen plotter. Hardware TSX00083 Drawing Robot/Pen Plotter/Drawing Machine is an Open Hardware version of the well-known...
Parts and materials Arduino MicroRC-522 RFID ModuleResistor 10k ohm Tools and machinery that are required Soldering iron (generic) Online services and applications Arduino IDE This project’s details The...
Components Pressure SensorArduinoLEDPower In the blink of an eye, earthquakes hit. Important information must be sent in real-time through warning and alert systems. In this blog article, I’ll explain how I went about...