Best art of vital points also known as “varma”

Varma Kalai, also known simply as Varma, is an ancient South Indian martial art and healing technique that focuses on the body’s vital points, or “varmam.” These points are considered to be centers of life force (prana) and can be manipulated for both healing and self-defense.

Essential Points
  1. Origins and Philosophy:
    • Origins: Varma has its roots in ancient Tamil Nadu and is linked to Siddha medicine, an ancient system of medicine in South India.
    • Philosophy: It is based on the understanding that the body has specific points where life force (prana) can be manipulated to cure illnesses or incapacitate an opponent.
  2. Applications:
    • Healing: Stimulating varmam points can help in alleviating pain, curing diseases, and restoring balance in the body.
    • Self-Defense: Striking these points can incapacitate or neutralize an opponent.
  3. After Effects:
    • Healing: Proper stimulation can lead to significant health improvements.
    • Self-Defense: Incorrect application or over-stimulation can cause severe pain, injury, or even be fatal.
  4. Precautions:
    • Training: Must be conducted under a qualified master to ensure safe and effective application.
    • Knowledge: In-depth knowledge of human anatomy and prana is essential.
    • Ethics: Should only be used for self-defense and healing, not for harm.
Vital Points of the Body (Varmam)
  1. Adappu Kaal (Foot)
    • Location: On the sole of the foot, below the big toe.
    • Healing: Stimulates blood flow to the feet, relieving pain and improving circulation.
    • Self-Defense: Can incapacitate an opponent by causing severe pain.
  2. Koorpara Varma (Knee)
    • Location: On the inside of the knee joint.
    • Healing: Helps in treating knee pain and arthritis.
    • Self-Defense: Can cause the knee to buckle, rendering the opponent immobile.
  3. Marmashira (Head)
    • Location: On the temples and crown of the head.
    • Healing: Relieves headaches and migraines.
    • Self-Defense: Striking can cause dizziness, unconsciousness, or death.
  4. Nethra Varma (Eyes)
    • Location: Around the eyes.
    • Healing: Treats eye-related issues, improves vision.
    • Self-Defense: Can cause temporary or permanent blindness.
  5. Throat Varma (Throat)
    • Location: On the sides of the neck.
    • Healing: Treats throat infections, improves voice quality.
    • Self-Defense: Can choke, causing loss of consciousness or death.
  6. Moola Kaal (Lower Back)
    • Location: Near the base of the spine.
    • Healing: Alleviates lower back pain, improves spinal health.
    • Self-Defense: Can cause intense pain and paralysis.
  7. Surya Varma (Solar Plexus)
    • Location: On the solar plexus, below the sternum.
    • Healing: Improves digestion, relieves abdominal pain.
    • Self-Defense: Can knock the wind out, causing difficulty in breathing.
  8. Kundalini Varma (Base of Spine)
    • Location: At the base of the spine.
    • Healing: Stimulates the kundalini energy, enhancing vitality.
    • Self-Defense: Can cause extreme pain and immobilize the opponent.
  9. Hridaya Varma (Heart)
    • Location: Around the chest area.
    • Healing: Treats heart conditions, improves cardiovascular health.
    • Self-Defense: Can cause cardiac arrest or severe pain.
  10. Skandha Varma (Shoulder)
    • Location: On the shoulders.
    • Healing: Relieves shoulder pain, improves mobility.
    • Self-Defense: Can dislocate the shoulder, incapacitating the arm.
Curing Illness and Vice Versa


  • Correct Stimulation: Applying gentle pressure or massage to varmam points can cure ailments like headaches, joint pain, digestive issues, and stress.
  • Pranic Healing: Using prana to balance energy in the body through these points promotes overall well-being.


  • Striking: Applying force to these points can incapacitate or seriously harm an attacker.
  • Pressure Techniques: Using precise pressure can cause pain or unconsciousness without permanent damage.

Strength lies not just in the ability to defend oneself physically, but in the wisdom to navigate conflicts with courage and resilience!!


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Love is the sun that warms the soul, the moon that lights the path, and the stars that guide us through the darkest nights!!


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