Levitation using ultrasound and acoustics


  • Ultrasonic Sensor – HC-SR04 (Generic)
  • Arduino UNO
  • Qunqi L298N Motor Drive Controller Board Module Dual H Bridge DC Stepper For
  • 9V battery (generic)
  • 9V Battery Clip
  • Male/Female Jumper Wires
  • Jumper wires (generic)


  • Soldering iron (generic)
  • Hot glue gun (generic)


Arduino IDE


The Acoustic Levitator is two high frequency speakers directed at each other that allows you to levitate tiny items using ultrasonic frequency sound. When only one speaker is playing, forces are generated that move in the direction it is aimed. When they are both pointing in the same direction, the two forces push against one another, which can make a tiny item float if it is in their path. It must be a very little, light item, such as a piece of Styrofoam. In the ultrasonic levitator, you can also levitate various little things.

  • De-soldering the sensors.
  • Therefore, purchase your ultrasonic sensor module first.
  • Start removing the speakers from the main board second.
  • Afterward, carefully remove the speakers from the module after de-soldering them from the board.
  • Your ultrasonic speakers are then prepared for usage in the project!

Building the stand

What should we do next, then? Next, though, we must set up the levitator. I would begin by cutting two pieces of wood that are around the same size.

Therefore, begin with a piece of wood. Next, apply hot glue to the wood, lining up the sensors.

Starting at the top of the sensors, make sure they are not more than 1 1/2 cm away from one another.

As soon as the bottom piece of wood is ready, attach it to the top piece of wood using glue.

The length and breadth of both pieces of wood are 9 by 2 cm, in case you were wondering.

We have completed the stand at this point.

Making the Circuit

There! We now have a stand. But what comes after? The circuit has to be wired immediately.

So consult the circuit diagrams and begin wiring in accordance with them. If the circuit still does not function, check for any obvious faults and then completely rewire the system.

If the Styrofoam does not start to levitate, you can increase the voltage to the motor driver. You may replace the 9 volt battery with a 12 volt power supply. It ought to improve how it functions a little.

Now, it could be challenging to get the foam to levitate; any strong gusts in the area would make this arrangement quite ineffective. Make sure there are no breezes and that the air is stable wherever you are.

Congratulations if you’re fortunate enough to have many pieces levitate at once! It often denotes a powerful levitator.



byte TP = 0b10101010; // Every other port receives the inverted signal
void setup() {
  DDRC = 0b11111111; // Set all analog ports to be outputs
  // Initialize Timer1
  noInterrupts(); // Disable interrupts
  TCCR1A = 0;
  TCCR1B = 0;
  TCNT1 = 0;
  OCR1A = 200; // Set compare register (16MHz / 200 = 80kHz square wave -> 40kHz full wave)
  TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12); // CTC mode
  TCCR1B |= (1 << CS10); // Set prescaler to 1 ==> no prescaling
  TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A); // Enable compare timer interrupt
  interrupts(); // Enable interrupts
  PORTC = TP; // Send the value of TP to the outputs
  TP = ~TP; // Invert TP for the next run
void loop() {
  // Code ends here

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