Step 1: Gathering Your Supplies
1) Flex Sensors
2) PHIRO Pro
3) Uno Arduino
4) Bluetooth module HC-05
5) A pair of gloves
6) A jumper wire is a wire that connects two points.
7) A 9-volt battery
8) On an Android phone, use Pocket Code.
Step 2: Uploading Firmata to the Arduino

Select the COM Port in the Arduino IDE.
Tools -> Serial Port -> Corresponding COM Port
After that, choose your Arduino Board.
Tools -> Board -> Your Arduino Board (We have used an Arduino Uno, but you can use ANY Arduino board)
After that, we’ll choose the Standard Firmata.
Click on Examples -> Firmata -> Standard Firmata
Click on Upload.
Step 3: Attaching the Flex Sensors to the Arduino and the Glove

Flex sensors are resistive devices that may be used to detect bending or flexing. Above is a graphic showing how to link Flex sensors to an Arduino. We’ve also demonstrated how we attached our flex sensors to the glove. We used some bent resistors to secure the sensors, but you could also ziptie them.
Step 4: Connecting the HC-05 Bluetooth Module to the Arduino

Next we attach the bluetooth module to the Arduino board.
Connections are as follows:
HC05 Tx – Arduino Rx
HC05 Rx – Arduino Tx
Vcc – 5V
Step 5: Connect the batteries to the Arduino.
The Arduino board with Bluetooth module was powered by a 9V battery. This is done to make it simple to attach on your wrist. The smaller it is, the better.
Ensure that PHIRO Pro is set to Mode 3. (Bluetooth Mode – press the Mode button on PHIRO till BLUE LED near the display on top turns ON.)
We had a total of seven conditions for the program.
The criteria we utilized and the outputs connected with them are listed below.
1) When the Index Finger is OPEN, the headlights’ LEDs glow red, and the phone’s background changes to reveal STOP
2) When the index and middle fingers are open, the headlights’ LEDs glow green, and the phone’s background changes to show. STOP
3) When the index, middle, and ring fingers are all open, the headlamps’ LEDs glow blue, and the phone’s background changes to show. STOP
4) When PHIRO’s palm is fully open, the headlights’ LEDs glow white, and the background on the phone changes to display FORWARD
5) When the fist is closed, PHIRO comes to a halt, the headlights’ LEDs are turned out, and the phone’s background changes to reveal STOP
6) The phone tilts to the left when the fist is closed and the arm is slanted to the left.
PHIRO moves to the left, the left LED YELLOW glows, and the phone’s background changes to display LEFT.
7) The phone tilts right when the fist is closed and the arm is inclined to the right.
Right LED YELLOW glows on PHIRO, and the phone’s background changes to indicate RIGHT.
Making a Phone Mount is the seventh step.
You may use an armband or do what we did to attach the phone on your arm.
We found a cheap cellphone case on the internet, split it apart, and put a velcro strip. That’s it! It’s time to put on the armband with the phone mount.
Here we go your gesture control robot is ready to go..
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Helping Hands.
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is é seo an úsáid is fearr as aip cód póca ba bhreá liom an tionscadal seo is genius tú 🙂