A lathe is a machine used to shape and machine various materials, most frequently metal and wood. It functions by rotating a workpiece on its axis and removing material with cutting tools to achieve the desired shape. There are a...
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Predictive maintenance is one of the most misunderstood and misapplied plant optimization strategies. It is most commonly used to prevent the catastrophic collapse of key-spinning machinery. Predictive maintenance is...
There are three types of maintenance tasks: (1) breakdown, (2) corrective, and (3) preventive. The fundamental distinction between these emerges when the repair or maintenance operation is carried out. Repairs are not...
Preventive versus Breakdown Maintenance Preventive maintenance has long been recognized as critical to lowering maintenance costs and increasing asset reliability. In practice, it might take many different shapes. The...
Explain the mounting of grinding wheels Grinding wheels spin at breakneck speed. It is critical that the grinding wheel is properly installed on the machine spindle. Proper wheel attachment provides safety and lowers the...
What is the need for an alignment test for a machine tool? In plan and elevation, the tool must travel in a straight line parallel to the work piece’s axis of rotation. The axis connecting the centers of the headstock...
sunglasses that provide benefits beyond only shielding the blind’s eyes. They can support their ability to perceive things in front of them. SUPPLIES AND PARTS SparkFun Arduino Pro Mini 328 – 5V/16MHzUltrasonic...
Parts and materials Arduino Nano R3Arduino 4 Relays ShieldUltrasonic Sensor – HC-SR04 (Generic)PIR Motion Sensor (generic)LED (generic)Adafruit Standard LCD – 16×2 White on BlueDFRobot Gravity: Analog...
Parts and materials Arduino Nano R3HC-05 BluetoothFlex SensorAdafruit Analog Accelerometer: ADXL335Resistor 10k ohm Essential equipment and devices Soldering iron (generic)Hot glue gun (generic)Solder Wire, Lead...
SUPPLIES AND COMPONENTS Espressif ESP8266 ESP-01Arduino Nano R3General Purpose Transistor NPNAdafruit IR LEDs TOOLS AND MACHINES REQUIRED Soldering iron (generic) CONTENT AND ONLINE SERVICES Arduino IDENodeMCU...