Motions in machine tools can be classified into the following categories: Motions for clamping the workpiece Depending on the size of the workpiece and the operation being carried out, the workpiece may be mounted on the...
Category - Tech
Tech related posts will be share here.
Introduction:- Challenges for Six-Sigma Six Sigma isn’t without its own difficulties. As an extensive strategy that expects an obligation to persistent improvement, Six Sigma is in many cases seen as a costly or...
SUPPLIES AND COMPONENTS Arduino UNOBreadboard (generic)Jumper wires (generic)DC motor (generic)SparkFun Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298Ultrasonic Sensor – HC-SR04 (Generic)Arduino Nano R3LED (generic)BuzzerTTP223B Touch...
Enhancements or improvements to normal human health, quality of life, performance, and usefulness are provided through human augmentation technology. These can include highly contentious changes to the human body or brain, as...
A compact yet well optimised three-axis accelerometer and three-axis gyroscope with temperature sensor. Let’s put it together with Arduino. Parts and materials Arduino UNODFRobot 6 DOF Sensor – MPU6050Oled...
Soil status monitoring and irrigation are the most fundamental aspects of “farm automation” or “smart agriculture.” The following features are required for agricultural soil status monitoring and...
Parts and materials Arduino Nano R32N3904 transistor2N3906 transistorFairchild semiconductor 1n4004. image 1N4007 – High Voltage, High Current Rated DiodeRotary potentiometer (generic)LED (generic)Pushbutton Switch...
Tensorflow TensorFlow was created to undertake machine learning and deep neural network research by researchers and engineers on the Google Brain team inside Google’s Machine Intelligence Research division. The method is...
Parts and materials Arduino UNOSparkFun Stepper motor driver board A4988OpenBuilds CNC xPRO V3 Controller StepperBDX53 TransistorResistor 100 ohm Tools and machinery that are required 3D PrinterSoldering This...
Plagiarism Checker Plagiarism is common on the internet. Content abounds on the internet, and it can be accessed on millions of different websites. At times, determining which information is plagiarised and which is not...