There are 3 types of maintenance tasks: Breakdown, Corrective, & Preventive.

There are three types of maintenance tasks: (1) breakdown, (2) corrective, and (3) preventive.

The fundamental distinction between these emerges when the repair or maintenance operation is carried out.

Repairs are not performed in breakdown maintenance until the machine fails to operate.

Preventive maintenance jobs are conducted before a problem becomes apparent, while corrective maintenance tasks are planned to repair particular faults discovered in plant systems.

A thorough maintenance program should employ all three.

Most domestic plants, on the other hand, rely nearly entirely on breakdown maintenance to keep their core plant production systems running.


These programs place less emphasis on the operation of important plant machinery, equipment, or systems.

Because the majority of maintenance operations are reactive to failures or production disruptions, the sole objective of these tasks is how fast the equipment or system can be restored to service.

Maintenance is considered effective as long as the machine functions at a minimum acceptable level.

This approach to maintenance management is both useless and incredibly costly.

Poor planning and inadequate repair are the two significant drivers of high maintenance costs in breakdown maintenance.

The primary drawback of breakdown maintenance is that most repairs are inadequately planned due to time limitations imposed by production and plant management.

As a consequence, personnel use and effective maintenance resource utilization are minimal.

Breakdown or reactive maintenance is often three to four times more expensive than the same repair when it is carefully planned.

The second drawback of breakdown maintenance is that it focuses on the evident symptoms of the failure rather than the core cause.

A bearing failure, for example, might cause a piece of vital equipment to seize and shut down production.

The bearing is changed as soon as feasible during breakdown repair, and the equipment is restored to service.

There is no attempt to establish the fundamental cause of the bearing failure or to prevent it from happening again.

As a result, the machine’s or system’s dependability suffers greatly.

The usual outcome of breakdown maintenance is a rise in the frequency of repairs as well as a significant increase in maintenance expenditures.


The term “preventive maintenance” can refer to a variety of things.

A maintenance program dedicated to the elimination or prevention of corrective and breakdown maintenance jobs is one literal understanding of the phrase.

A complete preventive maintenance program would evaluate essential plant equipment, machinery, and systems on a regular basis to detect possible problems and quickly schedule repair work to prevent any decline in operational condition.

Preventive maintenance at most facilities is confined to routine lubrication, adjustments, and other time-sensitive maintenance chores.

These are not real prevention initiatives.

In truth, most organizations continue to base their maintenance actions on failures.

To offer full support for all plant production or manufacturing systems, a comprehensive preventive maintenance program will comprise predictive maintenance, time-driven maintenance activities, and corrective maintenance.


The major distinction between corrective and preventive maintenance is that corrective activities must be conducted before preventative actions are implemented.

Preventive chores are designed to keep a problem from occurring.

Corrective tasks resolve existing issues.

In contrast to breakdown maintenance, corrective maintenance focuses on regular, scheduled actions that keep all key plant machinery and systems in peak working condition.

The success of maintenance is measured by the life-cycle costs of important plant machinery, equipment, and systems, not by how quickly a damaged unit can be repaired.

Corrective maintenance is a proactive approach to maintenance management that is a component of a full preventive maintenance program.

The primary goal of this method is to prevent failures, deviations from optimal operating conditions, and wasteful repairs while also optimizing the efficacy of all important plant systems.

The basic idea behind corrective maintenance is that all incipient faults be repaired properly and completely on an as-needed basis.

All repairs are meticulously planned, carried out by adequately experienced artisans, and thoroughly tested before the machine or system is restored to service.

Incipient issues are not limited to electrical or mechanical issues.

Instead, when deviations from optimal operating conditions, such as efficiency, production capacity, or product quality, are discovered, they are remedied.

Standard Maintenance Procedures

All recurrent repairs and maintenance jobs should follow a defined protocol that specifies the right way for competition.

These procedures should include all of the information needed for the work, such as tools, safety issues, and repair components, as well as a step-by-step sequence of actions to execute the repair.

Each process should be comprehensive and include all necessary information to execute the repair or recurring preventive maintenance assignment.

To execute the repair, the craftsperson should not be required to locate or possess additional information.

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