K-Means Algorithm: Explanation:K-Means is a popular clustering algorithm used for partitioning a dataset into a set of K distinct, non-overlapping clusters. The algorithm aims to minimize the within-cluster variance, meaning...
Tag - code
Parts and materials Arduino Nano R3Arduino 4 Relays ShieldUltrasonic Sensor – HC-SR04 (Generic)PIR Motion Sensor (generic)LED (generic)Adafruit Standard LCD – 16×2 White on BlueDFRobot Gravity: Analog...
Parts and materials Arduino Nano R3HC-05 BluetoothFlex SensorAdafruit Analog Accelerometer: ADXL335Resistor 10k ohm Essential equipment and devices Soldering iron (generic)Hot glue gun (generic)Solder Wire, Lead...
SUPPLIES AND COMPONENTS Espressif ESP8266 ESP-01Arduino Nano R3General Purpose Transistor NPNAdafruit IR LEDs TOOLS AND MACHINES REQUIRED Soldering iron (generic) CONTENT AND ONLINE SERVICES Arduino IDENodeMCU...