Short Stories – Path

Hello Friends, Today we are going through another Short Story Which may Change your Complete Life…

Sometime in the distant past there carried on a ruler who managed a glad and a prosperous kingdom. The general population of kingdom were extremely glad and carried on with an existence with bounty of riches and disaster.

One day the lord chose to travel and visit different places in his kingdom. He visited different authentic and pioneer focuses in his kingdom. He went to far off and remote spots where his chariot couldn’t reach, so the ruler visited a significant number of those locales by walking.

Navigating long separation by walking was a superb encounter for the lord. He got the opportunity to associate with his kin and found out about their life and issues. Numerous individuals were glad to meet the lord and communicated how they were cheerful under his standard. Yet, the lord wasn’t utilized to long strolls. He got an extreme torment on his leg. He couldn’t endure the torment as he strolled entirely through the harsh way.

He grumbled to his priests that the streets weren’t happy and were exceptionally stony. The ruler additionally communicated his anxieties for the general population who needed to stroll along those streets consistently. For the accommodation of the general population, the ruler requested to cover every one of the streets in his kingdom with cowhide. The ruler accepted that this will make his kin’s life increasingly advantageous.

The priests were shocked to hear the foolish request from the lord. Not exclusively was the lord’s dream of having the calfskin pathway costly. it would demolish life of numerous steers to get adequate calfskin.

A shrewd ruler’s counsel went to the lord and said that he had a superior thought. He took the size of the ruler’s feet and made a pleasant agreeable cowhide shoes. He made the ruler wear those shoes and stroll on the harsh ways. The ruler respected the agreeable calfskin shoes as he didn’t feel any agony strolling on it. The ruler extolled the virtuoso thought that set aside cash and a great many cows lives.

Moral: Many of us criticize the world for many things. The desire to change the world all sounds very heroic and noble and grand. We blame the things around us for the struggles in our life and never remember to look inside our-self. Changes are inevitable in the world, and the changes should be from us. Remember, it’s not the world that needs to change, it’s ourselves

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