Hello Friends, Today we are going through another Short Story Which may Change your Complete Life…
Thanksgiving Day was close. The primary evaluation educator gave her class a fun task — to draw an image of something for which they were grateful.
The majority of the class may be considered monetarily distraught, yet at the same time many would commend the occasion with turkey and other conventional treats of the period. These, the educator thought, would be the subjects of the majority of her understudy’s craft. Also, they were.
Yet, Douglas made an alternate sort of picture. Douglas was an alternate sort of kid. He was the educator’s actual offspring of hopelessness, delicate and troubled. As other youngsters played at break, Douglas was probably going to stand near to her side. One could just theory at the agony Douglas felt behind those dismal eyes.
Indeed, his image was extraordinary. At the point when solicited to draw an image from something for which he was grateful, he drew a hand. Nothing else. Only an unfilled hand.
His conceptual picture caught the creative mind of his companions. Whose hand would it be able to be One tyke gotten it was the hand of a rancher, since ranchers raise turkeys. Another proposed a cop, in light of the fact that the police ensure and care for individuals. Still others got it was the hand of God, for God sustains us. Thus the talk went — until the educator nearly overlooked the youthful craftsman himself.
At the point when the youngsters had gone on to different assignments, she delayed at Douglas’ work area, twisted down, and asked him whose hand it was.
The young man turned away and murmured, It’s yours, instructor.
She reviewed the occasions she had grasped his hand and strolled with him anywhere, as she had different understudies. How regularly had she stated, Take my hand, Douglas, we’ll head outside? Or on the other hand, Let me tell you the best way to hold your pencil. Or on the other hand, Let’s do this together.
Douglas was most appreciative for his instructor’s hand.
Forgetting about a tear, she went on with her work.
Moral : This story speaks of more than thankfulness. It says
“Never Forget Person Who Never Giving Up On You.”
“Keep Reaching Out Because You May Help Pull Someone Out Of Darkness And Guide Them Into Light.“
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