Early Flood Detection & Avoidance Using IoT

The “IoT Early Flood Detection & Avoidance System” is an intelligent system that maintains a careful eye on different natural variables to forecast a flood, allowing us to prepare for cautious and minimise flood damage.

Natural catastrophes, such as flooding, may be devastating, causing property damage and even death. The technology detects floods using different natural elements in order to minimise or reduce the effects of the flood.

Because the device has wifi connectivity, the data it collects can be accessed from anywhere via IoT.

The system monitors a variety of natural variables, including humidity, temperature, water level, and flow rate, to identify a flood.

The system consists of several sensors that gather data for distinct characteristics in order to collect data on the aforementioned natural variables.

A DHT11 Digital Temperature Humidity Sensor is used to monitor changes in humidity and temperature.

It’s a high-tech sensor module with components for resistive humidity and temperature sensing.

A float sensor constantly monitors the water level by opening and shutting circuits (dry contacts) when the water level rises and falls.

It is typically in the closed position, indicating that the circuit is incomplete and that no electricity has yet passed through the wires. The circuit completes itself when the water level falls below a specified level, and electricity is sent via the completed circuit to activate an alarm.

The system’s flow sensor keeps an eye on the water flow. A plastic valve body, a water rotor, and a hall-effect sensor make up the water flow sensor. The rotor rolls as water runs through it. Its speed varies depending on the rate of flow.

A HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Finder Distance Sensor is also included in the system. The Ultrasonic sensor is based on the SONAR concept and is used to detect the distance between an item and the sensor by using ultrasonic waves.

The Arduino UNO, which analyses and saves data, is linked to all of the sensors. The system features a wifi capability that may be used to access the system and its data via the Internet of Things.

Specifications for Hardware :

Temperature Humidity Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor, Water Flow Sensor, Water Level Sensor, LCD Display, Resistors, Capacitors, Arduino Uno LED, Transformer/Adapter, Push Buttons, Switch, IC, IC Sockets, Transistors, Cables and Connectors, Diodes, PCB and Breadboards, LED, Transformer/Adapter, Push Buttons, Switch, IC, IC Sockets

Software Requirements :

IOT Gecko, Arduino Compiler, MC Programming Language: C

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